The combine half life
The combine half life

UpgradesĪll that resin you’ve collected can then be used at the Combine Fabricators to upgrade your weapons. This linear design does mean there’s one main route, anywhere else will be a dead-end rife for resin looting. This is also important because Half-Life: Alyx is linear, so there’s no retreading your steps once you’ve left. Stored in your backpack there’s no limit to how much you can put in there so hoard away. So it’s always best to not rush through each area, open cupboards, smash open wooden crates, basically look for anything you can interact with – which there’s plenty of – to see if it contains the valuable resource. Not so much as literally growing on trees but most locations big or small will have some tucked away somewhere. Finding resin isn’t generally that hard, it is everywhere. This is the currency of Half-Life: Alyx and is vital for one sole reason, weapon upgrades. You don’t need money in Half-Life: Alyx, all you need is resin. There’s nothing worse than spend a few minutes smashing boxes and looking through shelving for those useful resources and then getting killed moments later. It’s easy to do and well worth getting into the habit, especially after you’ve completed a difficult section or scoured an area for resin and ammo. Half-Life: Alyx does feature autosave points at key areas of a level but these aren’t always as prolific as some may like. There are plenty of VR titles nowadays that don’t feature a manual save which is a real shame, plus the feature is super useful. So, so, so important and great to see its inclusion.

the combine half life

Don’t blindly go into the campaign and then moan something doesn’t feel quite right, as there might be a way to change it. The locomotion controls, for example, offer three settings, Continuous, Shift and Teleport all of which need playing with, much like the turning options. Some of these will take a little getting used to unless you’re well versed in VR gaming. Play standing or seated, swap to left-handed or single-handed if needs be. Here you’ll find a myriad selection of comfort controls that’ll tweak the gameplay for your ultimate enjoyment. So first up this is a bit of a no-brainer, delve into the menu options both in the main menu and gameplay menu. Having played through Half-Life: Alyx VRFocus has decided to impart a few tips to surviving and getting the most for the experience. The VR-exclusive videogame has seen rave reviews thanks to its highly polished gameplay, visuals and narrative. If you own a virtual reality (VR) capable PC and a headset like Valve Index or Oculus Rift then there’s a good chance you’re already playing or planning to purchase Half-Life: Alyx, the latest instalment in the franchise by Valve.

The combine half life